トップeq> shellif-eq

1. Shell Programming - The test command
Any string not representing an integer will be interpreted as zero in this context. A common use is to check that a shell script has been invoked with the correct number of parameters. For example. if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo Usage is

2. Shell Programming - More Programming Facilities
As well as the if and for statements of the shell programming language already described the shell programming language echo "e flag set" fi if [ $fflag -eq 1 ] then echo "f flag set" fi if [ $gflag -eq 1 ] then echo "g flag set" fi

3. UNIXシェルスクリプトメモ(Hishidama's UNIX shell script Memo)
ifで始まりfiで終わるので、if文をネストさせることも出来る。 if rm zzz.txt then echo "remove success" else echo "remove fail" fi 文字列比較, kshの場合、「=」は単純な比較ではなく パターン(正規表現)との比較になる。 -eq -ne, 整数比較

4. Bourne Shell 自習テキスト
unix の世界標準「POSIX」のドラフトでは唯一のシェルとされる「Bシェル (Bourne Shell)」を体験しながら unix の心髄に触れてみま RACK=${CABINET}.items TMP=/tmp/_$$ trap 'rm $TMP; echo; exit' 0 2 if test $# -eq 0 -o -z "$CABINET" -o !

5. bonlife
sample_b.sh (Bourne Shell). #! /bin/sh # 変数 $hoge は空文字列 hoge="" if [ -z $hoge ]; then echo '$hoge は空ですよ。 if [ `expr substr $1 5 1` -eq 0 ] then MONTH=`expr substr $1 6 1` else MONTH=`expr substr $1 5 2` fi # if [ `cut

6. おもてなしの空間
tex-mode.el (tex-bibtex-file, tex-file, tex-region): Restart the tex shell if process is gone or stopped. 展開 # 使い方 # $ svn_initiate_module PrjtName { if [ $# -eq 0 ] # 引数チェック then echo Usage:: $ create_module ProjectName;

7. Shell Programming
The tests below are test conditions provided by the shell:. -b file = True if the file exists and is block special file. where OP is one of –eq, -ne, -lt, -le, -gt, or –ge. Arg1 and arg2 may be positive or negative integers or the

8. 燃えるUNIX道~UNIXバカ一代 Vol:021 発行日: 1999年12月22日 総発行
●shellで遊ぼうの続き ごめんなさい、先週はお仕事がむちゃくちゃ忙しくて、お休みしてしまいました。 bin/sh while true do echo -e "input: \c" read numa exp numb if [ -z "$exp" -a $numa -eq 99 ] then break fi case "$exp" in +)

9. UNIX / Linux Bourne / Bash Shell Scripting Tutorial [ steve-parker
If you want your shell script to behave more gracefully, you will have to check the contents of the variable before you test it - maybe something like this: echo $X | grep [^0-9] > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then # If the grep

10. UNIX / Linux Bourne / Bash Shell Scripting Tutorial [ steve-parker
A function will be called in a sub-shell if its output is piped somewhere else - that is, " myfunc 1 2 3 | tee out.log " will still -eq "2" ]; then echo "Something went wrong with passwd" else echo "Bob Holness added to the system.

11. xdvi search el
:type '(choice (const :tag "nil" nil) file) :group 'xdvi-search) (defcustom xdvi-shell-buffer-name nil "*If (if (eq file t) (buffer-file-name) file)) (defun xdvi-master-file-name () "Emulate AucTeX's TeX-master-file function.

12. OKLab - Bourneシェルスクリプト入門(+bash)
"0" ] then echo "1=0" fi echo "整数の比較" if [ '1' -eq '1' ] then echo "1 EQual 1" fi if [ '1' -ne '0' ] then echo "1 Not Use `info bash' to find out more about the shell in general. Use `man -k' or `info' to find out more about

13. OKLab - PHP
configure --prefix="${HOME}/${HOME_LIB_DIR}/zlib" make make test if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sudo make install echo "install sw/bin/bash # # mysql 4.1 install shell script. # 木 3 30 12:10:14 JST 2006 # [MySQL AB::MySQL4.1 Downloads]

14. スクリプト集
新山がふだん使っているスクリプト (shell, perl) をまとめたもの。 あなたの環境でそのまま動くとは限りません。 PAGER=${PAGER-less} # このスクリプトに与えられた引数を見る。 if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then # 引数がない場合、hoge | lessdir のように

15. xyzzy の音 - モード毎の設定
(require "shell") ; or (require "shell3") (defun shell () (interactive) (let (pframe (pframe-name "Shell")) (if (setq (eq (process-status proc) ':run) (return-from shell t))) (goto-char (point-max)) (ed::shell-mode) (make-process

16. [ruby-list:7995] irb and etc [Re: dbm]
(setq offset 1000 found nil pat (concat (if (eq selective-display t) "\\(^\\|\^m\\\)\\s_*" "^\\s_*") (regexp-quote (car tag-info)))) irbと統合できる版 shell- --- [ruby-list: 7262]で話したshell機能をrubyで実 装したもの__ .

17. Unix Shell-Programmierung
Bourne-Shell cron sed awk Kursunterlage H. Partl Juli 1995, U n i x Shell-Programmierung if [ $# -eq 0 ]. then echo "Hostname fehlt." okay=false. else hostname="$1". shift. fi;;. -user) shift. if [ $# -eq 0 ]

18. diff -a -r -u -N --exclude=CVS /work/old/emacs.cvs/etc/edt-user
-129,8 +129,12 @@ (defconst edt-xserver (if (eq edt-window-system 'x) (if edt-x-emacs-p - (replace-in-string +it is given as initial input (but this may be lost, due to a timing +error, if the shell discards input when it starts up)

19. Title: CpMonitor リモートアップデートツールの開発Author(s): 土井
(1) 使用言語:Bourne Shell (2) 利用フリーソフト:OpenSSH・sudo・NET-SNMP 実装したRUSは2つの Shell script により構成される。 -eq 0 ] then sudo mv "$BINDIR/snort" "$BINDIR/snort.$DATE" sudo make install fi fi if [ -d

20. 制御文で道案内
-eq 等しい (equal); -ne 等しくない (not equal); -lt 小さい (less than); -le 小さいまたは等しい (less than or equal); -gt 大きい (greater than); -ge 大きいまたは等しい (greater than or equal). さらにif文の中を見ていきましょう。

21. GLANTANK - PukiWiki Plus!
次にインストーラからshellに抜け、initrdをレスキューシステムとして使用できるように変更。 /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then ROOT_DEVICE=0x0100 # initrd else ROOT_DEVICE=0x0303 # /dev/hda3 fi ### set root device echo $ROOT_DEVICE

22. Bourne Shell Reference (Linux Reviews)
Note that a shell variable could contain a string that represents a number. If you want to check the numerical value use one of the following: n1 -eq n2 Check to see if n1 equals n2. n1 -ne n2 Check to see if n1 is not equal to n2. n1

23. Guide/sh-script - Hiromi@tac
if [ 条件文1 ] # [ の前後と ] の前には空白が必要then 処理1 elif [ 条件文2 ] 処理2 else 処理3 fi str2 同じでない文字列"string" 空文字ではないn1 -eq n2 2つの数値が等しいn1 -ne n2 2つの数値が等しくないn1 -gt n2 n1 は n2 より

24. W3C WS2 Web services seminar – Demonstrators
Sample UNIX shell script #!/bin/sh # return 0, both validation OK # 1, one of them is not valid # 2, URI issue if [ ! $# -eq 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 URI" exit 2 fi # construct URI according to the validator definition at

25. [Shell] Tester une variable numérique - La solution
Dans un environnement "shell", les variables sont, par défaut, de type "chaîne de caractères". bin/bash # script_test.sh var=$1 [ $var -eq 0 ] 2> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 -o $? -eq 1 ] then echo "La chaîne est numérique" fi

26. freshmeat.net: Releases announced Monday, October 25th 1999
NetHirc is very modular and extensible; if you know Perl, you can customize NetHirc, and reload your changes while it's running. About: farsh is a utility to simplify shell script creation. For example, farsh can replace all #!

27. Conditional Expressions: Korn Shell Reference
str1 > str2 True if str1 comes after str2 based on the ASCII value of their characters. exp1 -eq exp2 True if exp1 is equal to exp2. As an alternative to using if then fi, the Korn shell supports the use of the case statement.

28. How to write a shell script
A good shell script should verify that the arguments sup- plied (if any) are correct. if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then echo 1>&2 Usage: $command # Run target file if no errors and if [ $? -eq 0 ] then etc fi. Quotes/Special Characters

29. w3m
usr/bin/perl $title=$ARGV[0]; if ( $title eq '' ) { print "Usage: tmplt.pl <titlename>\n"; exit; } open( FILE, したがって、w3mから emacs と shell への切替えが必要です。w3m から shell へ切替えるには、Ctrl-z を押します。shellから

30. Shell Programming FAQs > Shell and Command Questions
You can check to make sure that the shell can find a command or shell function by using the type command covered in Chapter 18, "Other Tools": type cmd > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then : # we have cmd, execute commands that

31. PostgreSQL pgbash usage
例) select * from test; if [ $SQLCODE -eq $SQL_OK ]; then fi SQL; のなかで、シェル変数を利用することができます。 SQLCODE (sql ERROR code) ??f : help 'pgbashrc' FUNCTIONs for using a shell script ??o : help 'exec_sql' options .

32. 『シェル環境のカスタマイズと シェルスクリプト作成の基礎知識を学習
シェル(shell)とは、コマンドラインで私たちがキーボードから入力した文字列を解釈して、その文. 字列に対応する処理を実行するようにカーネル if [ $# -eq 4 ]; then. ← 指定した引数の数が4であるかどうかを判定する. echo "----------result"

33. How to write a shell script
A good shell script should verify that the arguments supplied (if any) are correct. if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then echo 1>&2 Usage: $0 19 Oct 91 exit 127 fi $command # Run target file if no errors and if [ $? -eq 0 ] then etc fi

34. Introduction To Bash Shell Scripting (2004.11.06)
$var Value of variable var; "$var" Is null if variable is undefined avoids some shell syntax errors if variable is undefined if command1 || command2 Test return code of command1 or command2 command can be condition i.e. [ $# -eq 0 ]

35. mizzy.org
このような組み込みのテストメソッドを使うことで、if 文で結果を判断して適切なステータスを返す、といった処理を書く必要がなくなります。 0.23, 0.22 [ftp.mizzy.org] 02:59:34 up 4 days, 3:39, 1 user, load average: 0.21, 0.23, 0.22 shell>

36. KEY to STEEL :: 記事
A log-log plot of true stress and true strain up to maximum load will result in a straight-line if Eq. (10) is satisfied Hitachi, Honda, Hyundai, Livermore National Laboratory, Lloyds, Maxtor, Pirelli, Sandvik, Shell, Siemens, SSAB,

37. Tricks of the Shell-Scripting Trade
-eq ‘0’ ]; then echo yay ; fi. The above statement will print “yay” if the last command executed returned success, else it does nothing. Remember that ‘0’ in the shell is success; it’s the opposite of when you’re programming in C. We

38. Easy Shell Scripting LG #133
In shell scripting we can perform variable comparison. If the values of variables to be compared are numerical, then you have to use these options:. -eq Equal to -ne Not Equal to -lt Less than -le Less than or equal to -gt Greater than

39. Bourne / Bash Issue 25
Line one tells the computer which shell to use, in this case it is "sh" the bourne shell ( or this may be a link to int1 -eq int2, True if integer one is equal to integer two. int1 -ge int2, True if integer one is greater than or

40. [Mew-Win32 01700] Re: b45
(setq mew-cs-pick win32-system-coding-system) (setq mew-prog-shell-arg shell-command-switch) (if (featurep 'meadow);; Meadow --- 44,50 ---- ;; (setq mew-prog-shell-arg shell-command-switch) ((eq 20 emacs-major-version) !

41. Unix Bash - @//メモ
Shellあれこれ; bashの使い方; bashの環境変数; シェルスクリプト. 基本構文; 変数; コマンド引数; 関数; 他のシェルファイルの読み込み; 終了コード(シェルの返値は8bit整数な事に注意); if文; while/until文; testコマンド; for文; case文; デバック

42. UNIX Shell Programming
If all you need to do is run some UNIX commands over and over again, use a Bourne or C shell script. If you need a script that does a lot of arithmetic or func_y () { echo "A is $A" return 7 } A='bub' func_y if [ $? -eq 7 ] ; then .

43. FedoraForum.org - shell script IF statement
echo $WORD | grep -q [aA] if [ $? -eq 0 ] ;then echo success fi. This checks the results of the last command run ($? How to exit shell script if error occurs in pipeline, greenrd, Programming, 4, 2004-06-21 02:14 AM PDT

44. ひとりぶろぐ: ZaurusでMIDI制作 Z-MUSICコンパイラzmc3と標準MIDI
(if (and (get-process "zmusic-shell") (eq (process-status (get-process "zmusic-shell")) 'stop)) (delete-process "zmusic-shell")) ;; to here. 画面が狭いため、コンパイル時のメッセージ表示Windowを、Errorが無い時には消す関数を書いてみたの

45. from tod matola
(let ((buffer (get-buffer-create (or output-buffer "*Shell Command Output*"))) (success nil)) (unwind-protect (if (eq buffer (current-buffer)) ;; If the input is the same buffer as the output, ;; delete everything but the specified

46. Shell Script Logic - Linux Programming
Let's look at the if/then/else construct in a Bash shell script and see how to control the flow of a script with conditional logic. num1 -eq num2 True if num1 equals num2. num1 -ne num2 True if num1 is not equal to num2.

47. EmacsWiki: tjic-shell.el
(while (not (buffer-live-p buf)) (ring-remove tjic-shell-ring tjic-shell-ring-index) (if (eq (ring-length tjic-shell-ring) 0) (if create (tjic-shell-new) (error "no shells exist"))) (setq buf (ring-ref tjic-shell-ring

48. Junk emacs lisp
(add-hook 'after-save-hook (function (lambda () (if (eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode) (save-excursion プロセスはプロセスが残って嫌な感じ。start-process の問題を解決するわけではないけど、shell-command を使うものに差し替えておこう。

49. RandomNote/Perl - [sh]
このドキュメントはまったくの初心者を対象に(何も分からずに右往左往した頃の自分を思い出しながら)、Bourne Shell の基本、 以下の例は、標準入力でデータを入力している(cat文) if [ $# != 3 ]; then echo "usage: cat DATAFILE | $0 ARGV1 ARGV2

50. All about Linux: 10 Seconds Guide to Bash Shell Scripting
First let me clarify that this is not going to be a detailed study of shell scripting, but as the name of the post indicates, test $d -eq 25 ; echo $d which means, if the value in the variable d is equal to 25, print the value.

51. MacDevCenter.com -- Tapping RSS with Shell Scripts
Here's how that looks as part of a shell script ( $# is the number of arguments and $1 is the first argument): #!/bin/sh url="http://slashdot.org/index.rss" if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then headarg=$(( $1 * 2 )) # $(( )) specifies that you're

52. Z-Shell Frequently-Asked Questions (Japanese)
選択的な文法 if ( ) 。だが、これはまだ csh の様には動かない: 丸括弧の中がコマンドであることを期待する。 for これらの両方の例では、 \eq は、コマンド実行後に戻すために現 在の入力行を保存する。もしバッファ全体を保存するのに

53. Would unitarity slow down the rise of F2(x, Q2) at x &rightarrow; 0?
The appearance of the second term in eq. (7) reflects the role of the off-shell effects. If this term is different from zero, If eq. (10) is satisfied we can treat the interacting vector meson as the on-shell hadron. Then eq.

54. msearch掲示板 記事の表示
if($kanji eq "EUC") { # EUCの場合 print $str; } elsif($kanji eq "JIS") { # JISの場合 -1772.Re(3):shell のパス:penguin-19:2005年 5月10日 15:42 -2693.Re(3):shell のパス:beastiality comics:2006年11月 6日 21:31

55. UNIX Bourne Shell Programming
This criterion is true if the integer int1 has the specified algebraic relationship to integer int2. The valid operators (op) are: -eq equal -ne not equal -gt greater than -lt less than -ge greater than or equal -le less than or equal

56. Fault-Tolerant Shell (ftsh) Technical Manual
The Fault Tolerant Shell (ftsh) aims to solve this problem by combining the ease of scripting with precise error semantics. 1000 echo "n is less than 1000" else if $n .eq. 1000 echo "n is equal to 1000" else echo "n is greater than

57. "How do I compare float / real numbers in a shell script?" from
One simple way to fix your code in place is to pipe your input (presumably shell variables) to bc(1), an arbitrary precision calculator language. An example follows below:. if [ $max -lt $i ]. becomes:. if [ $(echo "$max < $i"|bc) -eq 1

58. Work the Shell - Recognizing Blackjacks | Linux Journal
Early on in this column, I joked about eventually rewriting the popular game Doom as a shell script, but of course, echo "" exit 0 fi if [ $dealerhandvalue -eq 21 ] ; then echo "Darn it! Dealer pulled a blackjack out of his hat.

59. Work the Shell - Coping with Aces | Linux Journal
handvalue=$(( $handvalue + $rankvalue )) done if [ $handvalue -gt 21 -a $seenAce -eq 1 ] ; then handvalue=$(( It wouldn't work in this context, but -o is the logical OR statement in a shell test conditional too, and if you need to,

60. RFC: shell script to compile many sources at once. - ITtoolbox
The ITtoolbox ShellScript-L discussion group is for the discussion of issues that arise when using Shell Scripts to if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && [[ -x configure ]]; then > ./configure --prefix=/opt/itools > 1>$BuildOutput/configure.txt

61. RFC: shell script to compile many sources at once. - ITtoolbox
The ITtoolbox ShellScript-L discussion group is for the discussion of issues that arise when using Shell Scripts to if [[ -d $BuildOutput ]]; then rm -rf $BuildOutput 2>/dev/null fi mkdir $BuildOutput cd $Prog if [[ $? -eq 0

62. UNIX Shell Script Tutorials & Reference
if [ `s_is_cron` -eq 0 ] then stty erase ^H set TERM=SUN fi. This same example is tagged onto the end of Example 10.2.1 above but without relying on a function call. For the C Shell (where there is no function definition statement

63. package Shell; use 5.006_001; use strict; use warnings; use File
=back =end private =cut sub _make_cmd { shift if ref $_[0] && $_[0]->isa( 'Shell' ); my $cmd = shift; unless( $Shell::raw ){ if (OS eq 'MSWin32') { # XXX this special-casing should not be needed # if we do quoting right on Windows.

64. package Shell; use 5.006_001; use strict; use warnings; use File
=end private =cut sub _make_cmd { shift if ref $_[0] && $_[0]->isa( 'Shell' ); my $cmd = shift; unless( $Shell::raw ){ if (OS eq 'MSWin32') { # XXX this special-casing should not be needed # if we do quoting right on Windows.

65. Wicked Cool Shell Scripts :: shell script 007-valid-date.sh
The official home of the popular 'Wicked Cool Shell Scripts' book, this site includes sample annotated scripts, discount purchase options, exceedsDaysInMonth $month "$2" ; then if [ "$month" = "Feb" -a $2 -eq 29 ] ; then if !

66. Wicked Cool Shell Scripts :: shell script 012-library.sh
The official home of the popular 'Wicked Cool Shell Scripts' book, this site includes sample annotated scripts, Returns 0 if success. newdate="$(normdate "$@")" if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then exit 1 # error condition already reported by

67. The Bash Shell Startup Files
PATHVARIABLE}:}$1" } # Set the initial path export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin if [ $EUID -eq 0 ] ; then pathappend set up properly for each shell if [ -f /etc/profile.d/tinker-term.sh ]; then source /etc/profile.d/tinker-term.sh fi # System

68. st-shell.el
(interactive "p") (dotimes (i (if-void 'numshells 1) nil) (let ( (tempname (generate-new-buffer-name "*tempshell*")) (new-buff-name (generate-new-buffer-name "*shell*")) (localdir default-directory) ) (if (eq (get-buffer "*shell*") nil)

69. その他 /etc ディレクトリにあるファイルの設定
-eq 0 ] ; then stty echoe brkint kill '^-' quit '^-' eol '^-' erase '^H' cs8 -istrip fi. /etc/ttys. single user mode で起動した時にも shell を使用するのにパスワードを要求するようにします。一応サーバを置いている部屋には物理的な鍵という

70. 日経Linux : 記事関連コンテンツ : シェル・スクリプト工房
練習問題解答. #!/bin/sh if [ $# -eq 2 ] then if [ -e $1 -a ! -e $2 ] then mv $1 $2 else echo "ファイル名の指定が間違っています" fi else echo "使い方:rename.sh 元ファイル 変更ファイル名" fi

71. Shell Scripting, ooohits easy - The Community's Center for Security
Test the above for yourself. Variable Comparison. In shell script while have a different way to compare variables . If the value of a variables to be compared are numerical then you have to use options like. -eq For equal to

72. mt.kmtz.net: 2005年07月 アーカイブ
usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Jcode; my ($dir, @files, $utf8); if ($ARGV[0] eq "") { $dir = ". ヒアドキュメントの入れ子はちょっと汚い感じもしますが便利。perl と shell でヒアドキュメントの syntax が微妙に違うので注意。

73. Unofficial Shell Scripting Stylesheet
Ender suggests using the exit codes in /usr/include/sysexits.h in shell scripts, though these are primarily intended for C -eq 0 ] # Redundant and non-intuitive. if COMMAND # More concise (if perhaps not quite as legible).

74. Introduction to if
At times you need to specify different courses of action to be taken in a shell script, depending on the success or failure of If not, this is an even week so send a message. # Else, do nothing. if [ $WEEKOFFSET -eq "0" ]; then echo

75. Bourne Shell Programming
Lastly, Unix runs Bourne shell scripts when it boots. If you want to modify the boot-time behavior of a system, s2: True if the strings s1 and s2 are not identical. n1 -eq n2: True if the numbers n1 and n2 are equal.

76. /bin/sh # This script rotates images. It'll rotate the original
1>&2 return fi if [ $testvar = testval ] then return fi for shell in bash ksh do find_in_path $shell if [ $RETURN_found -eq 1 ] then echo "Ignore any warnings about 'local' - will try rerunning under ${shell}.

77. A Unix Cook-Booklet: Using shells
There are two main flavours of shells, the Bourne-shell (sh, ksh, bash) and the C-shell (csh, tcsh). An example of a Bourne-shell script is tofloppy :. #!/bin/sh gzipped="false" dev="/dev/fd0" if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then case ".$1" in .*.gz|.

78. ネットワーク管理の基本テクニック(ユーザ登録編) - D add ninth Co.,Ltd.
Check /etc/shells Check /etc/master.passwd Check /etc/group Enter your default shell: bash csh date no sh tcsh -d :` HOMEDIR=$UHOME/$LOGIN echo -n creating $LOGIN : echo $PASSWD|$PW useradd $LOGIN -h0 RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]

79. School of Computer Science
Like other programming languages, shell scripts can use variables. These can be created within the local scope of the string1 > string2, True if string 1 is alphabetically after string2. n1 -eq n2, True if the integers n1 and n2 are

80. Shell - run shell commands transparently within perl
If you set $Shell::capture_stderr to true, the module will attempt to capture the standard error output of the process as unless( \$Shell::raw ){ if ('$^O' eq 'MSWin32') { # XXX this special-casing should not be needed # if we do

81. Ubuntu 6.10 インストールメモ:メモランダム
A righteous umask umask 22 set path = (/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/X11R6/bin $HOME/bin) if ($?prompt) then # An interactive shell -- set some stuff up set prompt = '[%n@%m]%B%~%b%# ' set filec set

82. #!/usr/bin/perl #$Id: sudoshell,v 1.14 2002/04/03 23:10:20 howen
If you'd like support for your OS, either give me a root shell (!) on a representative system running your OS, Because this audit trail is lost if a user runs a shell (e.g. bash or csh) with sudo, many sites restrict sudo to not

83. Introduction to UNIX and Linux: Lecture 8
The set command will show you a list of all variables currently defined in a shell. If you wish a variable to be accessible to true if file is readable -w file true if file is writable -x file true if file is executable $X -eq $Y

84. #!/bin/sh # adduser script for use with shadow passwords and
"y" ]; then exit -1 fi fi echo echo "This is it if you want to bail out, hit Control-C. Otherwise, .xinitrc elif [ "$WM" -eq "3" ]; then ln -sf .xinitrc_fvwm .xinitrc else ln -sf .xinitrc_step .xinitrc fi chown $LOGIN.

85. Welcome to JustLinux: Wanna learn Linux?
if [ "$x" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Value of x is 0." elif [ "$x" -eq 5 ]; then echo "Value of x is 5." elif [ "$x" -eq 9 ]; then echo "Value of x is 9." else echo "Unrecognized value." fi. QUOTATIONS Quotation marks play a big part in shell

86. Bourne Shell Tutorial
The Bourne shell differs from the C shell if the meta-characters do not match any file. bin/sh arg1="a.out" arg2=`pwd` arg3=$HOME if [ $# -gt 3 ] then echo too many arguments exit 1 fi if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo must specify at least

87. OSS WEB|column|今日の一行|2005年8月
sshを使うたびにパスフレーズを入力するのが面倒なら,shell を ssh-agent で起動して,ssh-add で秘密鍵を登録してしまえば,その端末からは以後 ssh の直後にあるif式をコメントアウトしたいとする。 ;; avoid a bug in Gauche 0.7.2 ; (if (eq?

88. perlsec - Perl security
Tainted data may not be used directly or indirectly in any command that invokes a sub-shell, nor in any command that modifies files, directories, or processes, with the following exceptions:. If you pass more than one argument to either

89. Basic Linux Shell Scripting Part 3 · 2000Trainers.com
Checks equality between numbers: x -eq y Check is x is equals to y x -ne y Check if x is not equals to y Otherwise, if there is an argument passed to the program, the shell program will print out the argument you passed.

90. Shell Scripting 101
while :; do echo Doing stuff; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then continue; fi; echo Do other stuff when not continuing; done If you're ready for more details or advanced details then move to shell scripting 102.

91. Change 30536: Integrate: - nntp.perl.org
+ +=back + +=end private + +=cut + +sub _make_cmd { shift if ref $_[0] && $_[0]->isa( 'Shell' ); - my $cmd = $AUTOLOAD; + unless( $Shell::raw ){ + if (OS eq 'MSWin32') { + # XXX this special-casing should not be needed + # if we do

92. Shell Scripting in OS X
A quick guide to writing shell scripts for backing up files and databases in OS X. if we turned the feature on in the initialize variables if $ftpswitch -eq 1 then # login to ftp assigning out put to END SCRIPT ftp -n $ftphost

93. q and a on yatex
・Win95/WinNTでタイプセッタなど外部プロセスが呼べない shellを変更していないならとりあえず、 (setq shell-command-option (if (and (featurep 'hilit19) (eq hilit-background-mode 'dark)) (hilit-translate string 'mediumspringgreen formula

94. ;+ ; NAME: ; FXPOPENR ; ; AUTHOR: ; Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC

95. The Bourne Again Shell > Functions
A shell function (tcsh does not have functions) is similar to a shell script in that it stores a series of setenv - keep tcsh users happy function setenv( ) { if [ $# -eq 2 ] then eval $1=$2 export $1 else echo "Usage: setenv NAME

96. IT Resource Center forums - Minor shell script question
Minor shell script question. Author, Subject: Minor shell script question Add to my favorites if [[ ${STAT} -eq 0 ]] then echo "is a signed int \c" fi is_int "${1}" if [[ ${STAT} -eq 0 ]] then echo "is an int\c"

97. A quick guide to writing scripts using the bash shell
-eq, the operands are integers and they are equal, 2. -neq, the opposite of -eq, 2 The shell expands a string containing a * to all filenames that "match". A filename matches if and only if it is identical to the match string after

98. Hacking the La Fonera
If you changed some values in your FON web interface prior to retrieving the data, things will look different: If you change your ESSID, the commands for doing so are transmitted to your router by a bunch of shell commands:

99. Unix Review > Shell Corner: Misc. Unix Tips II
"/dev/console" ]; then if [ "$LOGNAME" = "oracle" ]; then # # Attempt to set /dev/pts# permissions # /usr/bin/mesg -n 1>/dev/null 2>&1 # # Result codes: 0 - receivable, 1 - not receivable, 2 - Error # if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo

100. macosxhints.com - Extend the power of 'open -a'
To streamline the behavior of open for the sake of launching applications, I wrote a little shell script that I called launch: #!/bin/sh if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo "usage: ${0##*/} <application>" exit 1 fi command="$*" if open -a

eq, eq テスト, ipod eq, eq 診断, eq コーチング, iq eq, eq リーダー シップ, eq w, eq ジャパン, phono eq 回路, eq トレーナー, 66 eq, eq iq, 114 eq, eq トレーニング, eq こころ 知能 指数, eq 検査, eq アラート, eq 祭り, eq ノート, eq japan, eq 自己 診断, eq ダイエット, eq 迷宮, z 15 eq b, final fantasy 11 eq, eq トレーナー ds ~ デキ る 大人 コミュニケーション 術 ~, eq 心理 テスト, eq テスト 無料, eq 指数, eq l, eq トレーナー ds デキ る 大人 コミュニケーション 術, お金 iq お金 eq, eq 値, ipod nano eq, eq 野口, パラメトリック eq, song of eq, コスプレ eq, eq sido, eq プロジェクト, meade 114 eq, eq 心 知能 指数, eq トレーナー ds, 幸せ eq, eq 測定, eq 理論, エコキュート ダイキン eq 37, 当量 eq, perl eq, ブッチャー eq, eq アンプ 自作, eq 占い, eq アンプ, mxr eq, 66 eq y, eq 設定, eq パートナーズ, eq 恋愛, eq 祭り dell 祭り, ビジネス eq, 実践 eq, eternally eq, the eq, のぞみ eq, eq マネージャー, eq アソシエイツ, eq セミナー, eq 単位, ipod eq 設定, 3 eq @, eq map, led eq, 松下 幸之助 eq コーチング, eq dain3, 単位 eq, eq 教育, eq 診断 テスト, eternal eq, mxr 10 eq, fender japan jab-97 eq, 野口 eq, eq 2, eq コンピテンシー, eq knock, eq 66, eq players, eq アクア, eq 能力, mxr 10 band eq, shell if - eq, sq eq, 実践 eq 人 組織 活かす 鉄則, eq こころ 鍛え方, eq 中古, eq 四方山, x @ eq @ y, 恋愛 eq, eq bbs, eq test,

ダイエット, 成功, 明朗, 少女, , 禁煙, 産み分け, 女の子, ゴミ箱, , 留学, 哲学, アフィリエイト, 法則, 9, ステップ, 短期, ビジネス, 情報, 独立, fx, ネット, ショップ, , 開業, , キャベツ, 韓国, ドラマ, 方法, 秘訣, 告白, 報酬, ウェブ, 転職, web, , あらすじ, 幸せ, , dvd, 加速, 産後, 非常識, 日記, への, , チョコレート, ブログ, , 体験, 手帳, , , , 香り, 実現, 人生, 失敗, 事例, ナンパ, 外国, 為替, 復縁, 販売, 促進, 合コン, ナポレオンヒル, 曲線, 心理学, 体系, 維持, 日増し, 高める, eq, コーチン, , アジア, nies, 工業化, 要因, ノート, 恋愛, , オンライン, 通販, , つぼ, 杜仲茶, , 納豆, 指南, , 達人, , グローバル, , プロテイン, マーフィー, 体外, 受精, 大学, , どうして, 外交, 描こう, 玄米, 企業, 戦略, バナナ, , , 明治, 略奪, , 黒酢, ナポレオン, ヒル, , 豆乳, クッキー, ,

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